Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More, More, More!

It is time to turn on your irrigation, sit on the porch and enjoy all the benefits spring and summer have to offer. But then you get your water bill and suddenly summer isn't everything you thought it was. So you cut down on your watering but that makes your grass brown and dormant. Is your grass spoiled? Does it take the water and just keeping asking for more? Kids who are spoiled keep asking for more stuff. And grass that is spoiled by over-watering will also ask for more water.(upping your water bill and lowering your patience) Just like doctors tell you not to spoil your child with overindulgence, a turf scientist will tell you not to spoil your lawn by over watering it in the spring. Since, it is about that time we have compiled, with the help of Colorado State University and the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado, a few things to think about before you turn on your irrigation systems.

Turf scientists at Colorado State University will tell you that grass only grows its feeder roots in the spring. Later on, it will grow more grass blades and in the fall, it will store nutrients for the winter. Which is why we should all winterize our grass with a good fertilizer. Spring is the only time at which it grows roots. Now is when we either make or break our grass. Proper watering habits will train it to grow deep and resilient roots that will be its staying power in the heat of July. Staying power equals less water, which can save you money!

When watered frequently, all those new spring roots will stay in the top inch or so of the soil. Because you aren't giving the water enough time to penetrate the soil, so the water just sits on the top and stays. But if that top area is allowed to dry out while the roots are in growing mode, the roots will grow deeper in search of moisture. That is ideal because deep roots that seek out moisture help to build a healthy and water-wise lawn. Longer less frequent watering is the key. In other words, Don't water everyday for 5 minutes

When the heat of July arrives, you won't need to water the lawn excessively because the roots have grown deep. You will have trained your grass well and saved your wallet some stress too. What could be better then having a gorgeous water-wise lawn and money in your pocket for doing it? You will be saving money, water and your hair.(stress, get it??)

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. Definitely good information for us in the near future!
